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American Indian and Alaska Native Records in the National Archives


Researchers can find information relating to American Indians and Alaska Natives from as early as 1774 through the mid-1990s at National Archives locations throughout the country. 

The National Archives preserves and makes available documents created by federal agencies in the course of their daily business. Because the U.S. government’s interactions with American Indians and Alaska Natives have changed over time, knowing the geographic place and time period of your research topic will help create a more positive research experience. As you plan your research, consider this question: how does my research topic intersect with the U.S. federal government?

To help you answer this question, use the navigation options below to explore the vast resources relating to American Indian and Alaska Native research.

Finding more about your heritage can be found by researching many free websites. Here are just a few that you can use. Some may ask for a joining fee, but most are free. Here goes:

American Philosophical Society
Center for Native American and Indigenous Research

My Heritage
Research your family history easily and instantly

Library of Congress Native Americans: Resources in Local History and Genealogy

Genealogy Bank
Discover your Native American Ancestry
(7 day free trial, this does cost for membership)

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