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Join Us........

Joining NAPPB is quite simple. Membership consists of ANY tribal member, people of Native American descent who are or are not registered, and non-Natives who are genuinely interested in and have respect for the Native American Culture.

Association meetings are held on the third Saturday of each month 12 PM - 2 PM.  Location is announced two weeks prior to meeting. The Board of Directors meet one hour before each meeting.

Membership Fees are:

Single Adult: $25.00 per year

Family: $40.00 per year (family members automatically included up to 18 years of age)

Students: $15.00 per year (High School/College)

Military & First Responders: Past and Present  Single: $10.00 per year

                                                                       Family: $20.00 per year (up to 18 years of age)


Native American People of the Plains and Beyond (NAPPB) is solely funded by its members, sponsors, grants, donations and fundraisers. 

Please note: By paying memberships or giving a donation through PayPal, we are charged a fee. If you pay $25.00, we only receive $23.79. Please consider this when joining or giving a tax free donation. Thank you!

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