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Native American People of the Plains and Beyond is dedicated to supporting and uplifting the Native American community. We gather monthly to discuss upcoming events and initiatives. Our organization is built on community, and we work together to make a positive impact in the lives of indigenous people. We welcome all individuals who share our dedication to making a difference.

At Native American People of the Plains and Beyond (NAPPB), we work tirelessly to preserve our rich cultural heritage and share it with the world. Our organization is completely funded by our membership dues, donations, sponsorships and fundraisers. We are committed to creating a better future for our Native American communities, and this year we will be focusing on organizing more fundraising events to support those in need. Together, we aim to increase awareness and appreciation of our culture and traditions. To sign up for our monthly newsletter, send us an email. We'll get you added.

We believe that education and awareness are key to promoting a better world for Native American people. That's why we work tirelessly to provide resources and information that will promote cultural understanding and respect. From cultural events to educational programming, we are always working to promote the richness and diversity of Native American culture. 

For those who want to get involved with Native American People of the Plains and Beyond, we offer a warm welcome. You do not need to be a registered card-carrying member to become a part of our growing association. We invite anyone who is interested in promoting Native American culture and supporting our community to get involved in any way that they can. Whether it’s attending meetings, supporting our initiatives, or spreading awareness, there is a place for you!

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